pilates at eyp
More than a Workout
Pilates is more than a workout - it is a powerful tool to help you feel better when taught with intention. In our small group classes, you will learn how to use the equipment in a way that meets your personal needs.
Build on a Solid Foundation
You will learn body awareness, healthy alignment and movement patterns, and then build strength and endurance on a solid foundation.
Progress in Your Practice
Our Pilates program requires that you meet certain benchmarks before moving to the next level. You will always be learning something new!
our classes

Endeavor offers high quality pilates equipment classes with experienced teachers.
our pilates program
To begin Pilates classes at EYP, you will first attend a Free Pilates Intro Session. You must be an EYP Member to attend Pilates classes at our studios. To best support our EYP Members, our Pilates classes are not open to drop-ins.
Learn the Basics
All New EYP Members, regardless of their experience, must attend a minimum of 3-6 Reformer Basics classes. Your EYP Teachers will let you know when you are ready to join the next level of group Pilates classes.
Reformer Basics
You will learn the basic principles of Pilates in our Reformer Basics class, which is required for all new EYP Members. You will focus on correct positioning and alignment, and your Pilates journey will begin on the right foundation with an emphasis on strength and balance. Minimum 6 Reformer Basics classes required prior to joining Reformer Flow classes.
Pilates Class Descriptions
These classes are open to EYP Members after completing a minimum of 3-6 Reformer Basics Classes.
Reformer Flow
Once you have completed your Reformer Basics journey, you can progress to Reformer Flow. This class teaches beginner exercises and basic Pilates concepts. You will master the fundamentals of Pilates and learn the correct technique, progressing your practice with correct execution of the beginner exercises. Modifications and adjustments will be offered. Minimum 6 Reformer Basics classes required prior to joining Reformer Flow classes.
Tower Flow
This beginner level class teaches beginner tower and mat exercises and reinforces basic Pilates concepts. You will learn new exercises and experience familiar ones in a new way. The Tower is a unique opportunity to address imbalances in your body and to take your understanding of Pilates to a new level. Minimum 6 Reformer Basics and 6 Reformer Flow classes required prior to joining Tower Flow Classes.
Mixed Equipment Flow
Explore the whole Pilates Studio in one class! This beginner level class will utilize the reformer, tower and mat during one class. You will challenge yourself physically and mentally by exploring the relationships between the equipment and Pilates exercises. Minimum 6 Reformer Basics and 6 Reformer Flow classes required prior to joining Mixed Equipment Flow Classes.
Progression Classes
These classes are only open to EYP Members with approval from an EYP Lead Teacher after several months of consistent practice.
Intro to Intermediate Pilates
Lead Teacher permission is required for this small group class. Intro to Intermediate Pilates is designed to help you progress your Pilates practice. This is not just a "stronger workout"as this class specifically prepares you for intermediate Pilates repertoire. You will build on the basics mastered in Reformer Flow, Tower Flow, and Reformer Cardio Flow classes.
Intermediate Pilates
Lead Teacher permission is required for this small group class. Intermediate Pilates uses the reformer, tower and other equipment at a faster pace. This class requires that you are able to execute beginner and early intermediate level Pilates exercises without assistance on all of the equipment while demonstrating the ability to keep the fundamental principles of alignment. Progressions and modifications will be offered.
Intermediate-Advanced Pilates
Lead Teacher permission is required for this small group class. This is a high level intermediate Pilates class where intermediate and advanced exercises on the reformer, tower and other equipment will be introduced through progression. You will utilize all the Pilates principles of Breathing, Centering, Concentration, Control, Flow, and Precision throughout the class.
customized private sessions
Why Private Sessions
Private sessions give you and your Pilates Teacher the opportunity to focus only on your individual needs.
New Private Clients
We offer a New Private Client Package which includes four (4) private sessions for $200.
How to Start
Register for a Free Private Pilates Intro Session to determine if Private Sessions are best for you.